ENABLEREFRESH – research and development of a new audiovisual show; a collaboration with light artist Meeus van Dis & programmer Boy van Ooijen.
ALL US DADA – initiated by Gerondo Katadinata (Bambi, Bot, Silbersee). The performance is available for bookings. “engaged recitation in an overwhelming musical theater performance.” (Bimhuis).
HALA – Germany tour in the making, stay tuned!
SOLO PROJECT – album in the making, live-show available for bookings.
RATIONAL X WORLD – live soundtrack of the short film ANSAGE ENDE by Stijn Verhoeff & Sjoerd Leijten. yes available.
December 2024
The very last Space Impro ever. Be part of this Jazz-ta-fête at Sexyland World on December 4 2024. Full line-up and more info click here.
November 2024
New single-release:
My Armflap (Metro Mix) is out! It is in fact released by De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender on November the 6th 2024 in combination with the cover picture artwork by Lonneke van der Palen. Big thanks to Gijs van Klooster (recording & production) and Sandor Caron (audio mix & production). Blessings to Performing Arts Fund NL for the financial support.
Residency at Dock Zuid Tilburg
Shedding away during my residency at Dock Zuid in Tilburg. After a week of research I presented some new work on inJazz radio hosted by radio icon Co De Kloet.
It will be broadcasted on:
28-12-2024 at 9pm at Concertzender
29-12-2024 at 7pm at NH Gooi Radio
1-1-2025 at 20pm World Of JAzz

October 2024
Review of the premier of our new project KNALPOT ft. Almaghoot, written by cult journalist Peter Bruyn. “Het blijkt een gouden combinatie…“
September 2024
The music video for Funkstille is out. Thanks to everyone how contributed his/her talent, craft and soulpower.
Davids Danoss – camera & video production
Cem Altınöz – additional camera
Robin Esschendal – lights
Vincent Denieul – sound recording
Cengiz Arslanpay – sound design
Sandor Caron – mix & master
Helene Matthia – art direction
August 2024
A new mix of my piece My Armflap has been selected for the 2025 edition of De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender. It will be released in November, in combination with this photo by Lonneke van der Palen.

July 2024
I’m honoured that the Bimhuis live performance of My Armflap made it onto the An Interplanetary Compilation Album!
Since 2017 Space is the Place (Amsterdam) has organised progressive and adventurous concert series, with a focus on jazz and improvised music. At the same time SITP forms a creative breeding ground stimulating the scene, also by crossing genres and disciplines. All the songs on this CD are recorded during several so-called Interplanetary Nights in BIMHUIS, with four to thirteen concerts every evening.
Click here to stream or download.
June 2024
ALL US DADA concerts coming up:
8 june ALL US DADA at Tumult! Toonzaal, Den Bosch
11 june ALL US DADA at Paradiso, Amsterdam
We’ll play an updated set of 30-40 minutes.
may until end of september 2024
Over the years, photographer Erik Smits took portraits of the musicians prior to their concerts until the venue moved in the summer of 2023. He improvised a roll-out photo studio on the first floor, using rails and curtains. Isolated from the crowded and sometimes chaotic environment, he captured the scene, frozen in dozens of portraits.
Capturing the scene is a time document of the Space Impro scene in de Ruimte at de Distelweg. The venue has now moved to the temporary location of Sexyland World.
May 2024
Bevrijdingsfestival Ontsnapte Klanken: A day full of music, film and stories of artists who fled to the Netherlands. I’ll accompany the singer/musician Solomon Eyasu from Eritrea. Sunday 5th of may 2024, Haarlemmerplein Amsterdam, 8.15pm
Februari 2024
Hala video shoot for our new song Funkstille at Worm Rotterdam. Fun-time working with Davids, Cem, Vincent & Robin! The final edit might be done just before our upcoming concerts in April. Shteeah tuned!
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January 2024
A for me unique event coming up this month: I’ll be part of the house band during this years award ceremony of Eurosonic Noorderslag.
Arno Bakker (Hala): sousaphone, vocals, concept
Thijs Schrijnemakers (Orgel Vreten): hammond organ
Thomas Elbers (DJ Kypski): turn-tables, drum machine
Gerri Jäger: drums & percussion
date: 20th of January
start: 4pm
access: via conference ticket
November 2023
HALA is going on tour before recording new music early next year:
30th of november: Popcentrale Dordrecht (NL)
1st of december: Terminus Saarbrücken (D)
2nd of december: Jazzclub Villingen Villingen-Schwenningen (D)
3rd of december: FREAKSHOW-IN-CONCERT Immerhin Würzburg (D)
October 2023
Enablerefresh – the research phase is done, a prototype is born, a try-out has been played. stay tuned, an action video will be online soon.
June 2023
All Us Dada – premiere on the 14th of june at the Bimhuis Amsterdam. A duo with mime-actor Gerindo Kartadinata (Bambie). click image for more info.
December 2022
Last concert of the year – grateful to be invited to this awesome event at Worm Rotterdam.
November 2022
Dance theater piece Primisi – stunning new work by Alida Dors and Simone Giacomini. After the première in a sold out Theater Rotterdam last week the piece will be touring through the country. Go to agenda for full touring list.
October 2022
Another solo concert at the beautiful venue De Helling in Utrecht – BARBARELLA – LEUKER DAN TELEVISIE
June 2022
Next month HALA will be touring to promote the ne EP How Do You Do. Save the dates if you are around!
HALA tour 2022
7 July CANCELLED Knubbel, Marburg (D)
8 July, Jazzclub Erfurt, Erfurt (D)
9 july, Limmitationes Festival, Hotel Rudolf Pummer, Heiligenkreuz Lafnitztal (AT)
10 July, CulturCafe Smaragd, Linz (AT)
11 july, Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana (SLO)
12 july, Import Export, Munich (D)
13 july, Immerhin, Würzburg (D)
May 2022
First of many HALA concerts this year. For the RAUWFEST mini-festival we’ll perform with a special line-up: Helene Richter (vocals), Esat Ekincioğlu (bass), Jasper Stadhouders (guitar), Gerri Jäger (drums).
April 2022
This month I’ll play a benefit concert to support the victims of the war in Ukraine – Wednesday 13th of april 2022, SOUND OUT at 8sixA (NDSM, Amsterdam-Noord)
Doors open: 19:00
Music starts: 20:00
Entrance: €8 for subscribers
Gerri Jäger Solo & guest
link to subscription form
link to venue
link to event
photo by Lonneke van der Palen
March 2022
Our new collaboration project KNALPOT & FRANK WIENK (aka BINKBEATS) will be back on stage soon. This month we’ll present new music during a series of three try-out concerts:
25 march: Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL)
26 march: Willem II, Den Bosch (NL)
27 march: De Helling, Utrecht (NL)
Sta-hay tun-ed!
January 2022
Coming up: De Ruimte’s SUNDAY SPACE IMPRO XXL and I’m happy to be part of it! I will be playing proggy experimental triphop, of course. “Cardiac Parole” is a long piece that I came up with for last year’s Amsterdam Dance Event x Composers Now concert. For my terms it turned out unusually mellow if not trippy. In retrospect I think it could be a subconscious tribute to the great (late) Jaki Liebezeit… Also on the bill are Ada, Felicity, Kenzo, Wilbert and Fabienne! If you want to come then be quick, there’s only a few tickets left. This coming sunday 30th of january in the afternoon.
New music alert! Watch the aftermovie of the sneak-preview concert at De Helling in Utrecht. Powered by We Are Public. PS: Beautiful work of Aart Strootman too!
December 2021
Crazy release by Andrew Bergmann: 45 Minutes For 128 Musicians! Years back Andrew sent me a bunch of sheet music and a click track to record his music. Great to finally hear the result and proud to be part of this project.
November 2021
I have been playing drums for the new Dutch movie DO NOT HESITATE. It’s a very nice and subtile film (directed by Shariff Korver) about young soldiers getting stuck in a complex situation during a peace-keeping mission in the Middle-East. The movie got selected as the Dutch Oscar entry and is screening now in the Dutch cinema’s. Here’s a scene I secretly shot during the NL premiere on The Netherlands Film Festival in Utrecht.
October 2021: ADE!
New solo-set played live at the ADE Festival last month. After quite some loud stuff it was time to move into a more mellow zone. ‘Cardiac Parole’ is a 25 minutes long trip in 5 or 4 depending on how you hear it. Perfect for washing the dishes, randomly walk around, soft-dance and …?
September 2021
Happy to announce that I’m invited to play two solo-set’s at the Amsterdam Dance Event on the 14th of October 2021 at Dokzaal. A collaboration with Dutch Composers NOW, curated by Evelien van den Broek.
August 2021: two premières!

premiére 1:
Raphael Vanoli’s Venus by Day
21 august 2021, Mijn Stadstuin, Nico Broekhuysenweg 22, Amsterdam.
18:00 first concert ,
20:00 second concert.
Bring your own drinks.
Wolfert Brederode: Fender Rhodes, mono-synth
Alexandra Duvekot: voice, text
Gerri Jäger: electronics, cymbals, drums
Raphael Vanoli: guitar, bass, electronics
premiére 2:
Rosa Ensemble
O-Festival Rotterdam,
24 august 2021
two concerts: 5pm & 8.30pm
Vocals & performance: Yorick Heerkens, Elisa De Toffol
Bass: Jasper Boeke, Peter Jessen
Drums: Gerri Jäger, Daniel Cross
Guitars: Floris van Bergeijk, Jeroen Kimman
Script and Director: Ko van den Bosch
Music: Daniel Cross, Jasper Boeke, Floris van Bergeijk
Costumes: Carmen Schabracq
Light design: Jos van den Berg
May 2021
We Are Public has pre-released my track My Armflap. It’s a rough mixed version and will be part of my new album.
On tuesday 11 mei at 8pm I’ll do a talk with We Are Public music curator Ben Terwel and stream it. Find more info about the event via this link. Want to be part of it? We-Are-Public-members reserve via bit.ly/talk-gerri-jager, non members reserve via a mail to reserveren@wearepublic.nl

April 2021
Single pre-release coming out this month on Frontrow 2.0, stay tuned! or send me your email to subscribe to my newsletter.
December 2020
Live registration of the premiere of a new collaboration: KNALPOT + Frank Wienk (Binkbeats). It’s a BIMHUIS TV production (hi and thanks dear BIM crew!), enjoy!
Lucky me as my concert did happen last Saturday! This week’s premiere of Knalpot + Frank Wienk (Binkbeats) at the Bimhuis will happen as well but only online through Bimhuis TV (live). Tune in: Saturday December 19 at 8.30pm. This is the link to the live-stream.
September 2020
A new solo album is in the making: an intense operation supported by the powers of producer Gijs van Klooster and his Redhouse Studio Amsterdam.
August 2020
The Performing Arts Fund NL has awarded me a grant for two projects: composing music for my new solo album and lights & drums (working title), a collaboration with light artist Meeus van Dis. I’m super grateful and excited.
June 2020
Currently I’m in a (fun) phase of researching new toys, sounds and content for a new solo album. For this project I will collaborate with award winning producer Gijs van Klooster, also known from the debut EP from that band called Knalpot.
April 2020
Solo featuring stage- and light-design by Meeus van Dis: live try-out at Paradiso Amsterdam.
These are the first reactions (in dutch):
“Gerri Jaeger’s recente optreden in Paradiso maakte grote indruk op me. Hij verbindt heel overtuigend geluid, licht en performance, en onderzoekt daarmee op unieke wijze de kruising van verschillende disciplines. Zeldzaam ook om een drummer te zien die in zijn eentje zo lang de hele zaal in zijn greep houdt!” Aernout Mik, beeldend kunstenaar, installatie- en filmmaker
“In Paradiso beleefde ik de beste drums ever. Het was iets anders dan horen. Meestal is drums een muzikale ervaring maar die avond was drums sculptuur, ik ervoer het 3-dimensionaal, alsof ik voor de Eiffeltoren stond of de kathedraal van Keulen. De man met de witte baard smeedde als Richard Serra een muur van staal. Geluid was visueel, alsof mijn oren keken en mijn ogen luisterden.” Hans van Houwelingen, beeldend kunstenaar
“De laatste keer dat ik Gerri Jäger hoorde spelen in Paradiso tijdens de “inclusion of the excluded”, een avond vormgegeven door beeldend kunstenaar Berend Strik, werd ik en met mij een groot deel van het publiek gegrepen door de energie van zijn spel. Hij zocht de grenzen op van zijn luisteraars met een eindeloos durende solo. Als publiek raakte je in trance en kon je alleen nog maar luisteren naar deze weergaloze en meeslepende drumsessie, die bleef fascineren tot het eind.” Nicolette Gast, Curator beeldende kunst
February 2020
(Dope) pictures of the solo show with light designer Meeus van Dis last month, taken by Mike Brooker. Find more pictures of that night here.
January 2020
Working on an audio-visual performance with my solo project in collaboration with light artist Meeus van Dis. It will feature a custom made, site-specific light installation. See/hear the result on the 23rd of January 2020 at Paradiso Amsterdam. More info here.
December 2019
start of the new project Waanzee by the Rosa Ensemble.
November 2019
EP review by SKUG magazine written by Bettina Landl.
October 2019
The concert dates of the upcoming solo tour promoting my EP Live at Vrooom are official. I hope to see you on one of this shows!
September 2019
The month of the residencies: 1st – 7th September BEK Bergen (NO) Center for Electronic Arts with Loud Matter, presentation at Østre on the 4th of September. 25st – 27th September STEIM Amsterdam (NL) Studio for Electro Instrumental Music with Grafwerk, presentation at Front Row Festival on the 28th of September.
May 2019
Here’s a live video of one of my tracks recorded during the EP release concert at the Bimhuis last months. Thank you Sergio for filming!
Chosen as release of the week by the drummers magazine slagwerkkrant.
April 2019
My debut solo EP Gerri Jäger live at Vrooom is out! The music is recorded live at the Vrooom concert series in Rotterdam in february 2019. It is released in form of a handmade limited edition cassette tape including download code. It is the first release of the new Amsterdam label Flop Records. Order cassette tape incl. download link here. Download it here. Stream it on bandcamp. Stream it on spotify.
March 2019
February 2019
Little video of the 1st try-out of my new solo set at STEIM Amsterdam filmed by Raoul Jose Hilbink.
January 2019
Booking a little EU tour with my Solo Project teaming up with steaming Spinifex. We’re looking for concerts in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Northern Italy and Switzerland between 8th and 16th march 2019. Let me know if you’d like us to play at your favourite venue!
December 2018
New Knalpot videoclip for our track “effe zitte” from the album Dierendag (Shhpuma/Clean Feed) released on October 3rd 2018. Download here: knalpot.bandcamp.com/album/dierendag Purchase CD here: shhpuma.com/product/knalpot-dierendag Video concept, film & edit: Alek Riquelme Major thanks to Alek and thanks to Volkshotel Amsterdam for providing the location.
November 2018
Invited to do a 3 day residency and presentation at STEIM with a new project called Grafwerk. We develop new work for live set-explorations. This is a duo of two drummers: one playing percussive sounds with an electronic instrument, and the other playing electronic sounds with an acoustic instrument.
October 2018
Interview with Pat Cleaver of Sound of the Moment. Also a mini documentary of Knalpot made by filmmaker Nicola Cavalazzi in the making.
September 2018
New Knalpot release “Dierendag” coming up! Released by Shhpuma in september (online and physical). Release concerts 3 october Bimhuis, Amsterdam, supported by Sannety, Meeus van Dis, DJ Diergarden 4 october Lantaren Venster, Rotterdam, supported by Sannety, Meeus van Dis, DJ Diergarden 25 october * Queerograd Festival – an Interpenetration Collaboration, Graz, Austria 26 october * Wilhelmsbar (in Wilhelmsburg), Ulm, Germany 27 october * Loch, Wuppertal, Germany, double bill with Happy Horsemen *) made possible with the support of The Performing Arts Fund NL
August 2018
New Knalpot music video in the making! thanks to filmmaker Alek Riquelme. ALSO our new album Dierendag will be released on the 3rd of October and presented live at the Bimhuis Amsterdam and LantarenVenster Rotterdam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ha1AgHAtDU
July 2018
Big pleasure to wrap up the season with a concert of my group STUG at the North Sea Jazz Festival. Thanks to everyone who has been part of it.
May 2018
Playing a bunch of shows with Tin Man & the Telephone and the Peergroup in the location theater piece Missie zkt. Massa written by Peter Vandemeulebroecke & Ko van den Bosch.
April 2018
The new and last Rooie Waas album out on vinyl and bandcamp.
March 2018
A new and last album of Rooie Waas. We decided to quit but will celebrate it with a new live-set and a 12″ limited edition silk printed record.
February 2018
Preparing a new solo set for Modern Body Lab #2 concert in The Hague.
January 2018
I set up a little online DIY record store. Shipping is worldwide and fast like a pigeon. I will add a little personal note or well meant amateuristic drawing to each sold album or EP. Some are almost sold out by the way. Take a look.
December 2017
Interview & recording of the concert of the Carte Blanche concert on Bimhuis Radio.
November 2017
Review of my carte blanche concert at the Bimhuis last week by Peter Bruyn for FRNKFRT. Trying out new improvisation frames and compositions with a brand new project warming up for my Carte Blanche Night at the Bimhuis.
September 2017
Creating music for my upcoming Carte Blanche night at the BIMHUIS. I’m not sure yet if this one gonna make it but for sure had fun playing it. Please save the date 22nd of november.
August 2017
Recording the new Knalpot set at the ever dope Zwarte Molen Studio Amsterdam.
July 2017
We have been composing a new set with KNALPOT which we will present at one of our favourite festivals: Satta X! Playing on august 11th, alongside Kelpe, Sheep Got Waxed, Despotin’ FAM, Lawrence le Doux and many more. Looking forward to back to Lithuania! Photo by Danas Danulis Macijauskas
June 2017
Hyped about touring Canada with Naked Wolf this month. These are the dates: 22nd June Casa del Popolo, Montreal 25th June Ottawa Jazz Festival 26th June Toronto Jazz Festival 27th June Vancouver Jazz Festival
April 2017
Grateful to be invited for an artist in residence at the Worm Studio in Rotterdam. Album four of Rooie Waas is coming closer. Thanks so much to Lukas Simonis and the whole Worm institute.
March 2017
I got invited to do a Carte Blanche evening at the BIMHUIS. For that occasion I managed to put together two quite super groups. The first one will be a quintet with Sofia Jernberg (voice), Joachim Badenhorst (sax/bcl), Raphael Vanoli (gt), Petter Eldh (bass) and me on drums. Last year we played together for the first time at the October Meeting Showcase Festival and it was just great. Listen to it here. The second set will be a quartet with Giray Gürkal (gt), my long time Knalpot mate Raphael Vanoli (gt), killer Frank Rosaly (dr) and me on drums. Further I can confirm that Sandor Caron will do the sound engineering and tasty Meeus van Dis will care of the light design and filmmaker Ellenoor Bakker will project a short film. After the concert Juha will DJ! Please save the date: 22nd november 2017
February 2017
“I guess we all could use some more stinky fart grooves in times like these.” filter & distortion experiment. work in progress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FXPvlBTmXA&feature=youtu.be
January 2017
Coming Sunday January 29th (15:00) our new nonet Qubit Philharmonic will debut at De Ruimte! Felicity Provan, Eric Boeren, Joost Buis, Michael Moore, Natalio Sued, JanWillem van der Ham, Jeroen Kimman, Wilbert De Joode, Gerri Jäger. Please come!
December 2016
New experiments with our duo KNALPOT putting our compositions aside and rediscover the world of improvisation. For a special occasion we invited the special musician and friend Jozef Dumoulin to join our concert at this year’s Stranger than Paranoia Festival.
November 2016
Last 3 performances of the work intensive music theater piece Everyman performed six times in a hidden hall at shopping center Hoog Catharijne at the trainstation in Utrecht. The music is written by friend and guitar-/bass player Raphael Vanoli. Berend Strik concept & regie Aziz Bekkaoui costumes & decor Raphael Vanoli music Lieke van Hoogenhuyze dramaturgy Nora Fischer soprano & bass guitar Cheryl Moenen actor Raphael Vanoli guitar, bass guitar, electronics Gerri Jäger drums, electronics Mike Schmid flute, bass flute, contrabass flute Mark Haanstra bass guitar, effects Carlos Dalla-Fiore electronics Sandor Caron sound
October 2016
I’m happy & proud to announce that the second Naked Wolf album is out on Cleen Feed Records. Thanks so much Kasper Frenkel for the recording, Sandor Caron for the mix, Zlaya Loud for the mastering, Travassos for the design and Pedro Costa for the executive production. Buy a copy via https://cleanfeed-records.com/product/ahum/
September 2016
New solo set-up and material in the making. Thanks to Lukie Roots for custom-building a Coron DS7 drum synth clone for me.
July 2016
Live video recording of a new solo piece at Studio De Zwarte Molen Amsterdam. Thanks loads to Carlos Dalla-Fiore for initiating, directing and editing, Bas Melis for the audio recording, Sandor Caron for the audio mix and Ellenoor Bakker & Gijs Borstlap for filming.
June 2016
Bit delayed but very positive review about my solo-set at the REWIRE Festival (by Rene van Peer). Live video shoot of a new solo piece at the great Zwarte Molen Studio. Soon i will post it on this site.
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
Happy to be invited to be invited to play at the Rewire Festival and the FAQ Festival with my new Solo Project. Both shows will be supportet by Knalpot’s sound-man Sandor Caron.
February 2016
Recording a new Naked Wolf album for Clean Feed Records at the awesome Electric Monkey Studio. Interview online on JazzNU: http://jazznu.com/jazztafette/gerri-jager-rondetijd-090203
January 2016
Preparing for some upcoming solo performances using drum-set, 2 synthesizers, casio keyboard, delays, reverb, loopers and distortion.
December 2015
A new KNALPOT music video release: A long collaboration with filmmakers Daniel Bruce & Tara Gautam paid off. Thanks a lot also to Revolver Media, TAX music video fund and editor Rigel Kilston for the support. “Plainly fantastic” (VICE magazine) On sunday the 13th of december I will play some of my favourite mp3’s at the Oedipus Brewery in Noord bewteen 5 & 7pm approx.
November 2015
Rediscovering my Synare drum synth. Also using a little distortion, delay and freeze pedal. Thanks to Luc van Weelden for modding both synth & gate pedal.
October 2015
New Rooie Waas album (vinyl, CD, mp3), new music video and mini release tour: 29th october Melkweg Amsterdam 30th october Worm Rotterdam 31st october Viadukt Groningen September 2015 Happy to announce the release of the first album of the project Sgt. Fuzzy from Antwerp. It’s recorded with Ruben Machtelinckx (Hilmar Jensson) and Bert Dockx (Dans Dans) on guitar, Nathan Wouters (Jef Neve Trio) on bass, me on drums and Thomas Jillings (Linus) on tenor, EWI & compositions. We’ll be playing three release concerts this month: Friday September 4th – 6pm: Jazz in’t Park, Gent Friday September 11th – 10:30pm: Rat Event, Het Bos, Antwerp Saturday September 12th – 9pm: El Negocito, Gent You can check out, listen to and also download for free two songs from the record here: https://soundcloud.com/sgt-fuzzy https://soundcloud.com/sgt-fuzzy The CD will be available on http://elnegocitorecords.com Stream or download the full album via https://elnegocito.bandcamp.com/album/sgt-fuzzy
July 2015
The 3rd Rooie Waas album will come out during our album release concert on the 29th of october at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. Watch the Rooie Waas mini documentary:
June 2015
Very happy to be back behind the drums playing with all my limbs after a nasty thumb injury. Maybe see you at one of my upcoming concerts. Photo by Maarten van Haaff @ TivoliVredenburg June 2015.
April 2015
I broke my right thumb 🙁 but probably/hopefully will be back on stage in june.
March 2015
Two pieces of my try-out of my drums & synthesizers solo set from last month are online. Filmed by Gijs Borstlap & recorded by Sandor Caron.
February 2015
Preparing a solo set for a concert at zaal 100 on the 25th of february using a sequencer and my Knalpot electronics. Recording an album with a new project: Yedo Gibson Trio feat. Ab Baars playing new arrangements of Misha Mengelberg’s music.
January 2015
Naked Wolf album review (in dutch) on Written in Music Online Music Magazine Naked Wolf album review (in dutch) on Draai-om-je-oren Online Music Magazine Naked Wolf album review (in dutch) on dutch/belgian jazz magazine JazzFlits (page 7) Naked Wolf album review (in dutch) on belgian online jazz magazine Jassepoes Naked Wolf album review (in norwegian) on Salt Peanuts Music Magazine Naked Wolf album review (in czech) on His Voice Music Magazine Bandwidth + Gerri Jäger tape release review (in polish) on music magazine Nowamuzyka
December 2014
Our band NAKED WOLF has released its debut album on Belgian label El Negocito! We’re happy & proud about it. Big thanks to label boss Roge Verstraete, Kasper Frenkel from Electric Monkey studio, producer Zlaya Hadzich, Sandor Caron for mixing, Dagoose for mastering and Dries Verstraete for the design. One can order it via the label or via our bass player’s online shop.
November 2014
I am pleased that for the 2nd time Bandwidth is releasing an EP featuring me as a guest. This time in form of a cassette tape and digital downloads. Thanks to Clemens Hausch & Moozak Records it will be launched on the 26th of November at the FLUC in Vienna. Article about my groups and projects written by journalist Vera Vingerhoeds.
September 2014
Finally touring again with KNALPOT promoting our new album Yes Please! Extra BIG UP to our musical supporters Marco di Gasbarro for his advanced drum solo prior our concerts in Italy and lovely DJ Asthma Attack who framed our set with the most adventurous mixes ever. August 2014 Rooie Waas will play at the Lowlands Festival in Biddinghuizen on the 15th of August 2014. To celebrate this our label Blowpipe will re-release our album NU on CD.
July 2014
Tree week artist residence composing period at Saraswati Studios on the countryside of Poland. Thanks so much to Raj, Kamila & Janek for the support. We play our first official Naked Wolf concert with our new singer Seb El Zin from Paris at North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam.
June 2014
On the 4th of june the new KNALPOT album will come out on EAT CONCRETE Records. Listen to snippets and pre-order on the site of our label Eat Concrete. The release concert will take place at the Paradiso Amsterdam on the 27th of june.
May 2014
We made a remix of a Death Grips track with Rooie Waas. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7pZRhbNMiU&w=640&h=360]
April 2014
Knalpot’s new album will be released on Eat Concrete Records on the 4th of june 2014. The live release show will take place on the 27th of june at the Paradiso Amsterdam. For snippets of the album click here and watch the home-made album teaser:
March 2014
On the 10th of april we will premier with Knalpot our new collaboration with Ensemble Klang called Maximal Music. We composed new music for this line-up and are quite excited. Visuals made by Martha Colburn & light design by Meeus van Dis. Hope you all can come to one of the shows! tourlist: 10 april, Korzo Theater, Den Haag 11 april, Muziekgebouw aan het Ij, Amsterdam 25 april, De Doelen, Rotterdam 07 may, Plaza Futura, Eindhoven 10 may, RUMOR festival, Utrecht
Happy to announce that the KNALPOT debut album “yes please” will be released on vinyl by one of our favourite record labels EAT CONCRETE (distribution by Rushhour). The official release date is the 4th of June 2014.
February 2014
New Bakker, Goudsmit & Jäger music video thanks to Vera Broos from the Meertonen Project. The music is recorded at the Warning Studio by Bjorn Warning.
January 2014
New Rooie Waas music video: hope you dig! thanks again Mr. director Pablo van Wetten. The new album will be presented live at WORM in Rotterdam on the 2nd of february and at OCCII in Amsterdam on the 6th of february.
December 2013
mixing new Naked Wolf album with good old friend and partner in crime Sandor Caron. it already sounds good thanks to him, the musicians, Zlaya Loud and the super Electric Monkey Studio Amsterdam! Knalpot DUB project live at Steim’s Winter Party (with Rosa Menkman live visuals and Carlos Dalla Fiore dubs/processing), filmed and edited by stillman.
November 2013
the new video clip of Rooie Waas “doe niet zo moeilijk” is done and NICE and will be released early next year. Thanks one more time to Pablo van Wetten! the first concert with Anton Goudsmit & Arno Bakker at the Amsterdam Jazzfest was dope. Probably we will perform again.
October 2013
tryout of KNALPOT DUB at the valreep last week went great playing dub versions of our repertoire. more of that will follow. thanks to awesome live dubs of producer Carlos Dalla-Fiore (studio de zwarte molen). also big ups to an inspiring into-your-face set of our friends Germanotta Youth from Rome. funny nice article “The art of resistance” about the 1st Rooie Waas album in the The Post Online (in dutch). excited to play in Russia again with Knalpot. This time in Moscow (Platforma/Vinzavod) at The Night Of The Unexpected Festival on the 18th and 19th of October.
September 2013
Eat Concrete our label of our debut EP just released the compilation ‘Benefit For The Psycho In-Active’ feat. one KNALPOT track (AV3) plus Aardvarck plus an Icarus remix & many more. 100 Posters (A2 format) Digital release (mp3/flac). Limited FREE mp3 available via the eat concrete website! am super happy as we finished the mixes of the new Knalpot release, our full length album! big big up’s to our Raphael Vanoli, Sandor Caron and our partners in crime Bas Melis & Carlos Dalla-Fiore of Studio De Zwarte Molen and Ranjit Prasad & Roli Mosimann of Saraswati Studios. excited to play another solo set this month: 13th september at the magneet festival amsterdam, pirate cinema (dolby 5.1 surround sound), supportet by visual artist Pablo Dias. start: 5pm.
we are opening the new club concert season at the BIMHUIS Amsterdam on friday the 6th of september with an big line-up of TUMULT bands.
July 2013
mixing the new album of Knalpot. 3 years of work will be finished soon before the search for a suitable record label will start. any ideas are welcome. – doing the last overdubs for the Naked Wolf album – the dub trio show at DB’s in Utrecht last week was amazing – the EKE concert at North Sea Jazz was a fun closing concert of the season.